Full image Iris humilis Georgi, Siberia, Baikal & Transbaikal region (S4) (Russia)
Licensed under CC-BY 4.0 (see recommended citation in "Full record" following "How to cite" link)

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MW0021793-1 (related GBIF-records)
Collection name
type of Iris flavissima
Accepted name
Iris humilis Georgi
Siberia, Baikal & Transbaikal region (S4) (Russia)
Label data
Гербарий Академика Триниуса
Iris pumila L. (plants № 3 et 4)
оз. Байкал == ad Baikal
1772. Coll. И. Георги
Det. Boltenkov, 28.05.2015
Syntipus. Сборы И. Георки у Байкала летом 1772 года с его автографом: и критическими примечаниями, прописанными рукою хр. Стевена? Триниуса!; Iris flavissima Pall. pumila Georg. (non L.) Beschr. R.R. Tl. III, 4, p. 196; 1,2 spp. - Iris flavissima Pall.; ceter. - Iris pumila L. VIII.1975 V. Grubov; Iris flavissima Pall. sen. lat. (non J. pumila L.) Georgi It. 1772 Bd 1 (1775) 196 автогр. Георги. 1969 Determ. M. Karavaev.
Label input date 2.11.2023
Full record

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Materials of the "Atlas of the Russian flora" (detail)

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How to cite
Seregin A. P. (Ed.). 2024. Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource. – Moscow State University, Moscow. – Available at: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (accessed 14.12.2024)
See recommended citation of the individual specimen in "Full record" following "How to cite" link