Full image Ribes aciculare Sm., Siberia, Altai & Sayany Mountains (S2) (Russia)
Licensed under CC-BY 4.0 (see recommended citation in "Full record" following "How to cite" link)

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MW0086143 (related GBIF-records)
Collection name
Grossularia acicularis
Accepted name
Ribes aciculare Sm.
Siberia, Altai & Sayany Mountains (S2) (Russia)
51.3657, 82.1941
Label data
Herbarium Florae URSS ab Instituto Botanico Academiae Scientarum URSS editum
Grossularia acicularis (Smith) Spach.
Зап.-Сиб. край. Разведено в Ботаническом саду Томского университета из семян, собранных с экземпляров, растущих по скалам около Колыванского озера, в предгорьях западного Алтая. == Sibiria occidentalis. Colitur in Horto botanico universitatis tomskensis e seminibus lectis de plantis in saxis prope lacum Kolyvan crescentibus (in promontoriis montium altaicorum occidentalium).
27.05.1902. Coll. Д. Литвинов == D. Litwinow, 3148
Hist. vég. phan. VI, p. 173 (1838). - Berger in N.-York Agr. Exper. St. Techn. Bull. 109, p. 107 (1924). - Ribes aciculare Smith in Rees, Cyclop XXX, p. 372 (1819). - Ledeb. Fl. alt. I, p. 272 (1829). - Ej. Fl. ross. II, p. 194 (1844-46). - Крыл., Фл. Зап. Сиб. VI, p. 1446 (1931). - Jancz. Monogr. d. gros. in Mém. Soc. phys. hist. nat. de Genéve XXXV, p. 372 (1907).
Label input date 30.03.2023
Full record

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Materials of the "Atlas of the Russian flora" (detail)

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How to cite
Seregin A. P. (Ed.). 2024. Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource. – Moscow State University, Moscow. – Available at: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (accessed 26.12.2024)
See recommended citation of the individual specimen in "Full record" following "How to cite" link