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- Barcode
- MW9001737
(related GBIF-records)
- Collection name
Anomodon longifolius
- Accepted name
- Anomodontella longifolia (Schleich. ex Brid.) Ignatov & Fedosov
- Family
- Anomodontaceae
- Geography
- Bryophytes, Bryophytes - Karelia, Leningrad & Murmansk Oblasts (B4) (Russia)
- Label data
HEPATICAE ET MUSCI URSS EXSICCATI. Edidit Institutum Botanicum nomine V.L. Komarovii Academiae Scientiarum URSS. Curavit L.I. Savicz-Ljubitzkaja. Decas IХ (1961). ELABORAVIT I.I. ABRAMOV.
Anomodon longifolius (Schleich.) Hartm.
РСФСР. Ленинградская обл., Тосненский р-н, станция Саблино, на склоне правого коренного берега р. Тосна, у основания стволов вяза (Ulmus scabra). == Rossia europaea. Regio Leningradensis, distr. Tosno, statio Sablino, in declivitate ripae primigeniae dextrae fl. Tosna, ad basim arborum (Ulmus scabra).
6.06.1956. Coll. I.I. Abramov, № 87
Planta sterilis.
Scand. Fl. ed. 3 (1838) 300. — Pterogonium longifolium Schleich., Cat. pl. Helv. ed. 2 (1807) 30.
Label input date 8.09.2023
Full record
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How to cite
Seregin A. P. (Ed.). 2025. Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource. – Moscow State University, Moscow. – Available at: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (accessed 13.03.2025)
See recommended citation of the individual specimen in "Full record" following "How to cite" link