Full image Brachytheciastrum collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Ignatov & Huttunen, Bryophytes, Bryophytes - Asia (outside ex-Soviet states) (BAs) (Cyprus)
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Collection name
Brachytheciastrum collinum
Accepted name
Brachytheciastrum collinum (Schleich. ex Müll. Hal.) Ignatov & Huttunen
Bryophytes, Bryophytes - Asia (outside ex-Soviet states) (BAs) (Cyprus)
34.9167, 32.8722
Label data
Brachytheciastrum cf. collinum (Schleich. ex Muell. Hal.) Ignatov et Huttunen
Cyprus, Division 2 of Meikle 1977, 30 km to NW from Limassol, southern slope of Troodos range, Kryos Potamos, Troodos – Pano Platres old road, pine forest (Pinus pallasiana), stony protective wall along the road. == Кипр, Район 2 (по Meikle 1977), 30 км к СЗ от г. Лимасол, южный макросклон хр. Троодос, руч. Криос, старая дорога Троодос – Пано Платрес, сосновый лес (Pinus pallasiana), карниз и верхняя часть защитной каменной кладки вдоль дороги.. Elev. 1590 m a.s.l.
12.03.2004. Coll. A. Seregin == А. Серегин, D. Sokoloff == Д. Соколов, M. Remizova == М. Ремизова, M-252
Det. Е. Игнатова
Label input date 10.04.2018
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How to cite
Seregin A. P. (Ed.). 2025. Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource. – Moscow State University, Moscow. – Available at: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (accessed 13.03.2025)
See recommended citation of the individual specimen in "Full record" following "How to cite" link