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- Barcode
- MW9050401
- Collection name
Ochyraea smithii
- Accepted name
- Platyhypnum smithii (Sw.) Ochyra
- Family
- Amblystegiaceae
- Geography
- Bryophytes, Bryophytes - Karelia, Leningrad & Murmansk Oblasts (B4) (Russia)
- Label data
BRYOPHYTA MURMANICA EXSICCATA (RUSSIA). Edited by N.A. Konstantinova, O.A.Belkina, A.J. Lichačev, R.N. Schljakov.
Hygrohypnum smithii (Sw. ex Lilj.) Broth.
Кандалакшский залив Белого моря, залив Порьягуба, ручей Порий в нижнем течении. В порожистом русле, на камнях. == Kandalakša Bay of White Sea, Porjaguba Bay, the lower reaches of stream. In swift stream on stones.
11.08.1991. Coll. А.Ю. Лихачев == A.J. Lichačev, № 76
Distributed by the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden of the Kola Science Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Russia.
Label input date 8.09.2023
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How to cite
Seregin A. P. (Ed.). 2025. Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource. – Moscow State University, Moscow. – Available at: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (accessed 13.03.2025)
See recommended citation of the individual specimen in "Full record" following "How to cite" link