Full image Oligotrichum hercynicum (Hedw.) DC., Bryophytes, Bryophytes - Karelia, Leningrad & Murmansk Oblasts (B4) (Russia)
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Collection name
Oligotrichum hercynicum
Accepted name
Oligotrichum hercynicum (Hedw.) DC.
Bryophytes, Bryophytes - Karelia, Leningrad & Murmansk Oblasts (B4) (Russia)
Label data
HEPATICAE ET MUSCI URSS EXSICCATI. Edidit Institutum Botanicum nomine V.L. Komarovii Academiae Scientiarum URSS. Curavit L.I. Savicz-Ljubitzkaja. Decas XIV (1962). ELABORAVIT Z.N. SMIRNOVA.
Oligotrichum hercynicum (Hedw.) DC.
РСФСР. Кольский п-ов, Хибинские горы, на перевале горы Вудъяврчорр к «Орлиному гнезду», на мелкоземе. == Rossia europaea borealis. Peninsula Kolaënsis, montes Chibiny, ad trajectum montis Vudjavrczorr ad «Orlinoje Gnezdo», in terra.
4.08.1948. Coll. Z.N. Smirnova, A.E. Katenin, 133
Det. Z.N. Smirnova
Planta cum sporogoniis deoperculatis.
in Lam., Fl. franç. ed. 3, II (1805) 492; Сав.-Люб., Polytrichaceae во Фл. спор. раст. СССР III (1954) 207, рис. 78.— Polytrichum hercynicum Hedw., Sp. musc. (1801) 94.— 0. incurvum Lindb. in Hartm., Skand. Fl. ed. 9, 2 (1864) 45.
Label input date 8.09.2023
Full record

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How to cite
Seregin A. P. (Ed.). 2025. Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource. – Moscow State University, Moscow. – Available at: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (accessed 13.03.2025)
See recommended citation of the individual specimen in "Full record" following "How to cite" link